
There are times when you just want to design your own home, whether that is to attain a certain aesthetic feel or other functional benefits or simply because you want a brand new house built by yourself!

We listen to your needs and desired design and will advise you on the best route. There are two types of Planning Permissions that can be used here:

Outline Planning Permission 

This application type is very effective if you are trying to get a feel for what may or may not be accepted. It is best to submit this application to test the chances of pursuing a full planning application. The councils report should detail and provide confidence whether to go ahead or not.

Full Planning Permission

When chances are moderately high with respect to approval from the local planning authority and the design is clear, then a skilled and experienced member of our team can get you on your way to achieving those goals of a brand new build. There is a lot of information that needs to be supplied, the designs need to be exact and detailed, taking into account the restrictions put in place by the local authority.